Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yes, usually I would post something I created on my blog, but today is special indeed. This gorgeous display of color is a gift from my friend Pam. It's a Laurel Burch bag with jeweled handles. It's big enough to wag my lunch to work, or take shopping, or use as my regular bag. It was a surprise, for no special reason, except the sharing spirit between good friends. The motif has special meaning for me and shows how connected and thoughtful she is ;-) Isn't it beautiful? Pam moved away and it is really important to stay in touch with those we love whether it is sending an email, a lovely handwritten note, a phone call, or a gift such as this when you see the "perfect thing" that makes you think of them alone. I appreciate it more than she will ever know and am proud to share it with you all. You'll know me if you see me, just look for the orange and purple dog on my arm. I will be smiling, you see these dogs bring out the best in me just like my friend Pam - reach out and touch a friend today, I can tell you it will mean an awful lot to them and none of us is guaranteed a tomorrow. Do it soon.

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