Saturday, March 26, 2011

1440 minutes....

Yep, that's how many minutes we all have in a day, that's how many we've had every day

I sat making my To-Do list (again)...
Does anyone else feel like they have to get it all in?
Hurry up, go faster, get it all done....

I came upon a video today that readjusted my perspective  - thought I'd share it with you.

 Minutes....Moments, so true - it's all we have and they move very fast. 
I'm going to make an effort to slow it all down, savor each moment and I just might start to journal my own list and see if I can make it to 1,000.... and I think her book will be on my wish list too.

704 left today...hope you make some beautiful memories and enjoy moment after glorious moment.


  1. HiLinda! Thank you so much for the wonderful comment you left on my blog about this video. You really made my heart just swell with warmth! I have had the same feelings as you shared...about feeling like life was becoming so joyless and wondering if I was ever going to be happy. I am reading a wonderful book called, "When The Heart Waits", by Sue Monk Kidd. It is about being in the midseason of life and needing to go back into the cocoon and wait to emerge as the true, authentic self. I think we have been in this waiting period and at the time, it seems endless, but one of these days, we are going to emerge with new wings and soar as gorgeous butterflies! Sometimes I get really impatient and want to speed things up, but you are right...there is no mountain without a valley...maybe that is what makes the mountain so spectacular. What we need to do is see the beauty in the valley, too. Your friendship is a blessing to me and helps me to know that I am not alone...I have some peeps in the valley with me! love and blessings to you!

  2. Hey Linda, thanks for the reminder. I need to do that. Just came to see how are you doing. I loved reading the comment of Bertie. She is so right. Just want to let ypu know that maybe I am far and sometime seems like I am not here, but I am. I truly appreciate your friendship no matter that we haven't met in person. I know you are an authentic humen being and I love the greatmess of your heart! I think I will buy that book! Thanks for sharing!

  3. love, love, love this book. it has really helped me to change perspective from heartache to all the amazing blessings i have in my life right now. joy truly does come when we take time to be grateful for the beauty in our lives. blessings!
