Friday, December 31, 2010

Twenty Eleven

Midnight clock Originally uploaded by Pauls Barkans
Here it is New Year's Evethe last day of the year. Part of me is always sad about another year gone by - mainly because I should have done more, seen more, learned more, wasted less time, become a better person, lived in the moment - sound familiar?

I do a lot of reflecting and thinking on this day - about what I want for the New Year - my hopes, dreams, expectations and desires for the next 365 days. I've decided on a word for 2011 - wanna see?    

Kind to myself

Kind to others

This word kept coming up for me, sometimes once a day, sometimes more.   
So this year I'm concentrating on taking better care of myself (should have done it LONG ago).  To nurture and heal myself with kindness, every day.  No more begin on Monday, or next week, or later.  It's living and loving myself with every breath.  I will practice and exercise kindness to others and increase my random acts of kindness throughout the year.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.     Plato
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.     Dalai Lama

Do you have a word this year?  If you do, please share it and why you chose it and if you don't - I hope you will feel inspired to choose one and share it with us.  Thank you each and every one for ALL  the kindness you have showered me with this year - I am very blessed indeed. 
Love to you, Happy New Year !!!


  1. thanks for visiting my blog. i picked a word for last year, but haven.t done so yet...thanks for getting my brain ticking. i like your word. happy new year!

  2. I love this picking a word I have been seeing on everyones blogs this past week! And I love your word.. KIND! And I can so relate to: "Kind to myself, Kind to others." I honestly try to live by this all the time... And what a blessing this past year to have met so many, talented, kind and loving Flyers via Kelly Rae's e-course.

    Love, Peace & Happy New Year,
    xoxo Valerie

  3. Happy New Year! You were one of the winners in my class giveaway on my blog! Love, Wyanne

  4. Happy New Year my dear friend, Linda!! I know this is going to be a great year for us Flyers...last year we were practicing and warming up...look out 2011! My word is FOCUS...focus on my Art and Creative Biz..Here's to wonderful 2011 for all of us!

  5. My word would have to be "expand". I want to expand in so many areas in my life. I want to take all the things I learned in 2010 and keep going with them! Expand my compassion, expand my business, expand my wealth. (Disclaimer- I don't want to expand my waistline! lol)

  6. I love your word, Linda! Yes, being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others.

  7. delight

    that's my word

    happy new year, linda!


  8. Kindness is so beautiful! Thank you Linda, for sharing kindness with me. :)
    I haven't chosen a word for 2011 yet, I'm working on it.
    Much Love to you and Kindness all the year through!
